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Customer Comments Larry Hilton I have been using NBS cables for many years now and listened thru several improvements in the line as well as tweaks and upgrades to my system. I hated to admit it but the expense is justified and improvements go along with the cost in the NBS line. The better your equipment is the more you will love the cables. Since my friend decided I was nuts, no cable could possible be worth the money I decided to defend myself and prove my sanity. Lets have a shootout, bring your guns to my house at high noon Saturday or Sunday and get it on. People brought their cable and favorite CDs over and the shoot out began. I would play the CDs using NBS cables. I would point out all the extra special things NBS did. Cymbals delicately shimmering the background. Instruments in the corners, the sound of the Bass player's strings hitting wood. Singers and horn players moving around mics, licking their lips in preparation for the next note. The first time you connect NBS cables in your system you will immediately hear the power of the cables. You will have to turn the volume control back while instruments emerge with a higher velocity from a deep silent field. AS the cables break in (they take 200+ hours) the fine nuance of the music will smoothly float our of your speakers. Sounds appear from far corner and places you never imagined. Being a sensitive person, not wanting to hurt my opponents feeling too bad I decide to remove one cable at a time. This way it wouldn't be a major shock. Each step of removal something disappeared. Sound was lost, space disappeared, it was like a blanket put of the speakers. Their sad faces said it all, NBS won the shootout every time. None of the cables even came close to resolve detail, suppress noise, produce instrument timbre and the vast sound stage as NBS did. Did I gain my sanity back, nope, "Larry's still crazy." He can buy a Mercedes Benz for the price of those cables.
As I listen to my systems, smoking my Cuban cigars and sipping single malt, I realize how fortunate we are. Walter, thank you for continuing to make and refine your cables. They bring hours of divin joy to many astute audiophiles.
Larry Hilton P.S. I have three systems composed of BAT 5I preamp, Cat Ultimate, BAT CD player, CEC TL1, Vtl 300's modified, Classe 150, Creek 4330, Rega Planet Cd player, Paragon Regent Speakers, Silverline Sonatas & Sonatinas, Meridian DA. Cables are NBS Monitor 0's, Professional and Monitor III's.
NBS Audio Cables 5583 West 78th Street Edina, MN 55439 U.S.A. (952) 848-1100
© 1998-2015, NBS Audio Cables. All rights reserved.